If you require urgent medical attention, PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE by dialling 111 or come to the Emergency Department immediately.
Our Emergency Department is open 24/7 for emergencies. Registered Nurses triage patients on arrival and they will be seen according to the severity of their condition.
Telephone Triage advice is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by contacting your registered GP, or from Healthline on:
0800 611 116

Gore Hospital has 20 inpatient beds for acute medical, assessment and rehabilitation treatment and maternity for our patients. We have around 800 admissions a year to our inpatient area.
We also have a 24/7 Emergency Department that is equipped with a modern High Dependency Unit (HDU) for severe trauma and critically ill patients. The HDU has full resuscitation facilities and patients can be stabilised in this unit and are often transferred to the ward or to another hospital for specialist intervention.
Acute orthopaedic, soft tissue and other injuries may be referred to Southland Hospital for specialist care.

Gore Hospital offers a wide range of services to its patients including:
- Inpatient and outpatient services, including public and private clinics
- Maternity
- Mobile Surgical Services
To contact Gore Hospital please phone:
03 209 30 30

Mobile Surgical Services
The Mobile Surgical Bus visits Gore Hospital every six weeks to perform low-risk elective day surgery procedures, including minor dental surgery. Rural patients save time and money by being able to stay close to home rather than having to travel to a base hospital.
For more information about mobile surgical services, please click here.

Inpatient Services
We have 20 inpatient beds available for acute medical and assessment treatment and rehabilitation patients.
Our medical admissions include people with respiratory and cardiac disorders and patients with multiple medical conditions. The Assessment Treatment & Rehabilitation area of the ward aims to improve the health, function, well-being and independence of people with disabilities. These conditions include stroke CVA, confusion and dementia, frail elderly, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease.
We believe our patients should be treated with respect and dignity and be involved in any decision making and treatment while at the hospital.

Outpatient Services
Gore Hospital has both private and public specialist clinics on a regular basis. Appointments can be made once a referral has been received from a patient's GP or specialist. Public clinics are funded by Te Whatu Ora.
Public Outpatient Clinics
- Dietitian
- Diabetes Education
- Eye Photography
- Continence Nurse
- Orthopaedic
- Wound Care
- Paediatric
- Sexual Health
- Speech Language Therapy
- Surgical

Private Outpatient Clinics
- Southern Audiology
- Heartwatch Cardiac Diagnostic Testing
- Cardiology (Mr Michael Williams)
- Ear Health
- Southern Ultrasound
For more information or to schedule an outpatient clinic appointment, please call:
0 3 2 0 9 3 0 2 9